Space journey becoming affordable                 身近になってきた宇宙旅行



In April 2001, American industrialist Dennis Tito became the first civilian in the world to experience a trip into space. A few other civilians had made such trips ahead of him. But all of them had been supported by corporate sponsors. Tito was the first person to pay for his trip out of his pocket.






 How did he realize his dream? He first brought his plan to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which turned it down saying that its rules do not allow any civilian to travel aboard its spacecraft. In his next step, he paid 20 million dollars (equivalent to 2 billion yen at the current exchange rate) to the Russian Federal Space Agency to buy a seat in its spaceship. This huge extra revenue might have been a boon for Russia which was in financial difficulties in those days. After getting a six-month training, he went to the International Space Station (ISS) from Russia’s Bikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.






 More space travelers followed Tito by paying their way. American entrepreneur Richard Garriott was the eighth person to do so in 2008. You may remember that world-famous British opera singer Sarah Brightman announced her space trip plan in October 2010. By simple arithmetic, one civilian makes such trip every year. But that still cannot be called a space travel boom. Needless to say, the biggest bottleneck is its cost. Tito could afford to pay for his trip because he is one of top multimillionaires in the world. For people at large, a space journey still remains a dream.






 However, there are moves to make a space travel more affordable. Club Tourism International Inc., the Japan agent for U.K. commercial spaceflight company Virgin Galactic, accepts bookings for a short suborbital flight. The plan it offers enables a tourist to go up to an altitude of 100 kilometers in a two-hour flight that will cost 250,000 dollars including training expenses. This is way shorter than one week Tito spent in the space. But it will bring the outer space closer to ordinary people. As more companies join the spaceflight business, the cost will surely be cut back through fierce price competition.





  The reduction will also be accelerated by the innovation of space development technologies. In fact, the discovery in Japan in 1991 of carbon nanotube has given a major boost to the “space elevator” concept, a dream scheme aimed at allowing humans to travel between Earth and outer space in an elevator. The new miracle material, 20 times stronger than steel, is considered fit for cables that will be needed to support such elevator. Studies are now under way to make the dream come true. If the elevator is completed, we will be able to go to space in a safer and less costly way. Various other schemes are in the pipeline. Those include a balloon that can go up to the stratosphere, a “space colony” on a manmade planet and a “space hotel” that can look down at Earth.






  Airliners were once an expensive vehicle. They are quite popular today and the debut of low cost carriers (LCCs) has made air travel one of daily routines. A space trip will become even closer to us in the future.






(Written by: Teruya Hirabayashi)




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