Can Japanese national team win in Brazil?   日本代表は勝てるか?! ブラジルW杯について聞く —川崎フロンターレ・スカウト 西澤淳二さん―


Photo by Jiji Press Photo
Photo by Jiji Press Photo

  The 2014 FIFA World Cup, the global carnival of football, kicked off in Brazil on June 13 (June 12 JST). The Japanese team, one of the best 16 in the previous competition in South Africa, won the Asian qualifiers in 2013 to book a ticket to Brazil. They are taking part in FIFA World Cup for a fifth consecutive time since France in 1998. Some leading players, Keisuke Honda among them, have pledged time and again they will aim for the championship. How do professionals see such possibility? Hakumon Herald interviewed Mr. Junji Nishizawa, a scout with J.League club Kawasaki Frontale, to ask about his views. A graduate of Chuo, he once played for Kawasaki Frontale and Consadole Sapporo.




Ivory Coast hold key at group stage / グループリーグ突破の鍵はコートジボワール戦

– How do you analyze this year’s Japanese national team?



Nishizawa: I think they will make it past the group stage. Japan’s opponents in Group C, Ivory Coast, Greece and Colombia, are all formidable. But I think Japan have enough ability to match them. From the second stage onward, they’ll have to deal with even more powerful teams. There is no doubt they will continue to face tough ordeals. Anyway their first match against Ivory Coast is the most crucial. The result will determine their future course.

西澤 グループリーグは突破できると思います。予選リーグで戦うコートジボワール、ギリシャ、コロンビアは、どのチームも手強い相手ですが、日本にもこれらのチームと戦う力は十分にあると思います。その先の決勝トーナメントでは強豪チームとばかり対戦するので、厳しい戦いが続くのは間違いないでしょう。ともかく重要なのは初戦のコートジボワール戦です。この試合に勝つのか、負けるのか、引き分けるのか、これによってその後の流れができてくるでしょう。


– What can be the main point about that match?



Nishizawa: I think the key point will be how much Japan can rein in the individual skills of Ivorian players. They have some good players like Didier Drogba, Gervinho and Wilfried Bony, who score by making most of their strong physical ability. They sometimes put up performances beyond the imagination of Japanese players. We should also keep guard on their wily play which Japanese players rarely do.

西澤 コートジボワールの選手の個人力をどこまで抑えることができるかかが重要になると思います。ドログバやジェルビーニョ、ボニーといった持ち前の高い身体能力を活かしてゴールを狙う選手がおり、日本の選手の想像を超えたプレーをすることがあります。また、日本の選手にはあまり見られないずる賢いプレーにも警戒が必要でしょう。


– Japan meet Greece in the second game. Greece are known for their strong defense. Besides, Japanese players have a disadvantage in terms of physical strength.



Nishizawa: I think Japan should be very careful in set play, where the difference of physical strength matters most. We Japanese tend to make light of set play in international matches, saying, “The gap of physical power can’t be helped.” We also see the trend in primary and high school games at home. But set play leads to goals quite often. So Japan should be well prepared how to make up for their physical disadvantage. But that said, Greece are the only European team Japan meet at the group stage. I think Japan will find them the easiest to play in terms of soccer style.

西澤 体格差が最もはっきり表れるセットプレーは特に要注意だと思います。日本は、代表レベルに限らず、小学生や高校生のサッカーでもセットプレーを「体格差があるから仕方ない」と軽視しているフシがあります。しかし、実際の得点に関わる確率はとても高いので、体格差を埋める対策をして臨んで欲しいと思います。とはいえ、ギリシャは、予選では唯一の欧州のチームで、サッカーのスタイルとしてはいちばんやり易いとも思います。


– In their third game, Japan play Colombia, who qualified after finishing second in the South American preliminary rounds. They now place fifth in FIFA World Rankings.



Nishizawa: There is no doubt Colombia are the toughest team in Group C. One of key factors here may be how much they can tolerate the enormous pressure put on them by the public opinion at home. They might be crushed by the pressure and lose their concentration. The same thing can be said of Ivory Coast. Many players in those countries stake their life on World Cup, thinking of their career after retirement. Some may take such pressure positively and do a better job. Others may give in to pressure. We should pay heed to such factors.

西澤 予選で最も手強いチームなのは間違いありませんが、コロンビア国内世論のプレッシャーがどのようにチームに影響しているかが、意外とポイントになるかもしれません。もしかするとプレッシャーに押しつぶされ、気持ちが切れてしまうこともあります。これはコートジボワールにもギリシャにも言えることなのですが、彼らは引退後のキャリアを含め、W杯に人生を懸けています。それがプラスに作用し、より良いパフォーマンスを発揮することもあれば、プレッシャーに負けてしまうこともあります。こういった要素にも注目ですね。


Photo by Jiji Press Photo
Photo by Jiji Press Photo

Environmental factors also important / 意外と重要な環境的要因


– Do environmental factors work?



Nishizawa: This year’s tournament, taking place in Brazil, may inevitably see a lot of happenings. Some venue facilities are incomplete, traffic jams prevent athletes reaching their practice field in time, hotel rooms are not booked, etc. Whether or not they feel stressed by those things could unexpectedly affect their play. And some may get stressed as they spend a whole month dining and sleeping with the same teammates. South American players are generally better at adjusting themselves to environmental changes, perhaps due to their national characters. Among Japanese players, striker Yoshito Okubo, from Frontale, doesn’t care so much about happenings. That perhaps may be why he has been picked.

西澤 今大会はブラジルで行なわれるので、おそらくハプニングは付き物だと思います。試合会場が完成していない、渋滞で練習場へたどり着けない、ホテルが手配されていない。こういったことをストレスと感じるか、感じないかは意外とプレーにも影響します。また、1か月同じメンバーで食事から睡眠まで共にするのをストレスに感じることもあります。このような環境への対応という点では、お国柄か南米の選手が優れています。フロンターレから選出された大久保嘉人もあまりハプニングを気にしないタイプなので、そこが評価されたのかも知れませんね。


– How do you think Okubo will work?



Nishizawa: I don’t know if he will be on the roster of starters in every game. But I do hope that when he comes off the bench, he will put life into the team. As Kengo Nakamura, a Chuo graduate and a member of Frontale, wasn’t selected to the national team, I’d like to see Okubo work hard as the sole pick from Frontale. I know Okubo is followed by younger players. Perhaps he was chosen as the right man to keep an eye on striker Yoichiro Kakitani.

西澤 スタメンで出場するかは分かりませんが、途中からでもチームを活気づけるようなプレーをしてほしいです。中大OBの中村憲剛が代表を落ちてしまったので、唯一のフロンターレ出身選手として頑張ってほしいですね。後輩にも慕われているので、もしかしたら柿谷選手のお目付け役として呼ばれたのかも(笑い)


– You have looked at Japanese soccer for a long time. How do you see its evolution?



Nishizawa: It’s more than 20 years since J.League was ianugurated, and I feel Japanese soccer has been smoothly growing up. When I was a Chuo student 20 years ago, a school instructor told me, “We have no real pro soccer clubs in Japan.” I think Japanese soccer has been making steady progress not only in terms of the quality of play but also as a culture. On the other hand, I feel Japan still lags behind strong countries in the world in terms of ability to focus enthusiasm on international matches and make a quick change of mind. To catch them up, we need to see soccer filter deeper into all segments of society as a culture. Time doesn’t simply make that possible. The Japan Football Association (JFA), J.League clubs, university, high school and youth club teams will have to cooperate closely with each other to take a joint systematic approach.

西澤 Jリーグが発足して20年以上が経ち、日本サッカーは順調に成長してきていると感じています。20年前、私が中央大生の頃、大学のある先生に「日本にプロ・チームは存在しない」と言われたことを考えると、プレーだけでなく、文化としても確実に進歩しています。その一方、世界の強豪国と比べると、まだまだ代表戦に懸ける思いや、切り替えの早さなどに実力差を感じます。こうした強豪国に追いつくには、サッカーが文化としてより一層日本中に浸透していく必要があります。ただ、これは年月をかければできるというものではなく、日本サッカー協会や各Jリーグ・クラブチーム、大学、高校、少年サッカーなど、皆が連携を取り、計画的に取り組まなければならないでしょう。


Challenges for J.League / Jリーグの課題


– You have long been engaged in field work as a player and a scout. What are the challenges for J.League now?



Nishizawa; In the first place, I feel J.League has too many member clubs. At present, J1 (division 1) has 18 teams and J2 has 22 teams. In addition, J3 has started this year. Of course, having more teams may bring some merits. But more teams inevitably allow more players to take part in games and make them less keen to vie for chances to play, which seems to lower their ability and skills. England’s Premier League, for example, had essentially had a large number of clubs from the beginning. It simultaneously divided them into Division 1, 2, and 3 in a pyramid structure. In contrast, JFA took the lead in increasing the number of clubs qualified for J.League. It may be important for JFA to forge a policy and implement it by taking such fundamental differences into consideration.

西澤 まずはチーム数が多くなりすぎていると感じます。現在、J1に18チーム、J2に22チームの合計40チーム、これに加え、今年からはJ3が発足しました。もちろんチーム数が増える良さもありますが、一方でチーム数が増えたことで、必然的に出場するチャンスが増え、出場機会を争う競争が少なくなり、レベルの低下も感じます。イングランド・プレミアリーグなどは、もともと多くのチームがあった中で、1部、2部、3部とピラミッド構造を作り、同時に発足しました。一方、日本は日本サッカー協会が音頭をとり、Jリーグの拡大を図ってチーム数を徐々に増やしてきました。この根本的な違いを考慮した政策を行うことが今後重要かもしれません。


– Is it possible to stem degradation of skill levels by easing the limit on foreigner players?



Nishizawa: Even if the curb is eased to some extent, it won’t be easy to see a situation where more than half of players on the pitch are foreigners. If it is removed, most L.League clubs may have difficulties getting good foreign players because they are financially worse off than Middle Eastern and Chinese clubs.

西澤 外国人枠を多少増やしても、出場している選手の半分以上が外国人選手になることはなかなか難しいと思います。また、仮に外国人枠が撤廃されるなどしても、今のJリーグチームの予算では、中東や中国の資金力に敵わず、良い外国人選手が来てくれないかもしれません。


– Do you think that more players will come to join J.League clubs from other Asian countries, such as Vietnam and Thailand, like Lê Công Vinh who had played for Consadole Sapporo till the 2013 season?



Mr. Junji Nishizawa
Mr. Junji Nishizawa

  Nishizawa: Yes, we may have more of such players than before. However, given the difference of ability between Southeast Asia and Japan, I don’t think there will be a dramatic increase. In the case of Lê Công Vinh, it looks that cash-short Consadole took him in hopes of getting Vietnamese corporate sponsors. There is some economic disparity among J.League clubs that stems from the difference of financial muscle and support systems on the part of their parent companies. So, many of them have to put greater priority on stabilizing their own management rather than building a team strong enough to aim for the championships. Judging from those points, I think J.League clubs are still remote from their primary cause and stay more or less as corporate sports clubs.

西澤 今までに比べれば増えるでしょう。しかし、まだまだ東南アジアの国々と日本では実力差があるので、急激には増えないとも思います。レ・コン・ビン選手の場合、ベトナム企業のスポンサー獲得のチャンスだったため、資金繰りの厳しいコンサドーレが獲得した一面もあります。Jリーグは、親会社の資金力、援助体制の差による経済格差が少なからずあり、優勝を狙うチームづくりよりも、経営的に安定させることを優先させなければならないチームも多くあります。そういう点から考察すると、Jリーグは本来の理念から外れ、まだまだ企業スポーツとしての一面が強いのかとも思います。



For advancement of Japanese soccer / 日本サッカーが進歩するために


– Under such environment, what do Japanese players need to do at individual levels to allow their teams to catch up with the top clubs in the world?



Nishizawa: Kawasaki Frontale didn’t get into gear at the start of the last season, forcing coach Yahiro Kazama to face possible dismissal. But the team bounced back and managed to end the season in third place. I think the biggest factor was the change of mentality among individual players. They had simply waited for instructions to come from their coach and assistant coaches. But they turned more proactive later on, led by Okubo and other senior members, and the team’s conditions went on improving. Those inactive attitudes, such as only waiting for instructions or staying less responsible for their play and preparations, are often seen not only among pro players but high school and university players whom I watch as a scout. Such players don’t show much of their regret either on the pitch or in the bench. Conversely top players like the ones picked for the national team have both self-assertiveness and modesty. They are good at striking a balance between them. This may be something common to all younger players, but I find many of them really earnest yet naive and complacent. It is important for them to change themselves so that they can manage their own affairs.

西澤 昨シーズン、川崎フロンターレは序盤調子が出ず、風間監督が解任される危機に陥っていました。その後、チームが立ち直り、リーグ戦3位となった最大の要因は、選手の意識が変わったことだと思います。それまでは監督の思い描くサッカーを実行するため、監督・コーチから指示を待つ状態だったのですが、大久保選手らに引っ張られ、選手が能動的になったことで徐々にチーム状態が上向いてきました。



(Interviewed By: Kento Isogai & Takaaki Araki)

(Translated By: Daisuke Aoki)


Mr. Nishizawa’s profile

  Born in Tokyo in 1974, Mr. Nishizawa graduated from the Political Science Department of Chuo University’s Faculty of Law in 1997. He played mainly as defender for six J.League clubs, including Verdy Kawasaki (now Tokyo Verdy), Kawasaki Frontale and Consadole Sapporo over a period of 16 years. He scored the opening goal in the J.League all-star match in 2000. After retirement, he became a scout for Tokyo Verdy in 2009 and has been a scout for Kawasaki Frontale since 2010.






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