The reality of studying abroad

Yasuo Sone, CEO of International Cross-cultural Committee



The word globalization has now taken a firm hold in Japanese society. The Japanese government is getting gradually serious about globalization. In 2014, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology launched a project called “Tobitate! Ryugaku Japan” (Fly out! Study abroad) in partnership with the busi­ness community. It aims to double the number of stu­dents who study abroad by 2020. Hakumon Herald interviewed Yasuo Sone, CEO of Temp Research Institute Co. and Interna­tional Cross-cultural Com­mittee (ICC), on the situa­tion in Japan with regard to studying abroad.


-What does ICC mainly do?



  Sone: We mainly offer coordination and consulting services to people who want to study abroad. One of our top priorities is the International Business Program (IBP), which is aimed to promote internship at Japanese businesses abroad.

曽根 私達は海外留学のコーディネートやコンサルティングを主な業務としています。特に現地企業でのインターンシップを留学に組み込んだビジネス留学(IBP)は最も力を入れているプログラムのひとつです。


-People say that young Japanese are inward-looking these days. Is the number of students studying abroad actually declining?



  Sone: The number is stagnant except for a particular age group of college students. However, I can’t say for sure that the inward-looking attitude of young people is the main reason. I would rather think that increased economic burdens are largely responsible for the present situation.

曽根 大学生という特定の年齢層を除き、日本人の留学者数は確かに停滞気味です。しかし、その理由は必ずしも若者の内向き傾向であるとは断言できません。むしろ、私は経済的負担の増加が、留学者数の低下という結果を引き起こしていると思います。

-So, people cannot afford to pay for studying abroad?



 Sone: Simply speaking, you’re right. Considering the circumstance a bit more carefully from an economic viewpoint, we will see that the relative decline in the yen’s value is adding to the cost of studying abroad. The global economy has steadily been growing and experienced inflation in contrast with Japan which has been troubled with deflation since the 1990s. Commodity prices, living cost and educational expenses have kept constantly rising in developed countries except Japan. Which means that Japanese have to pay relatively more to live overseas. I think this is one of impediments for Japanese students seeking to study abroad. Incidentally, the number of Japanese college students who study abroad has been largely increasing over the past years.

曽根 簡単にいえば、そうなります。経済の観点からもう少し深く考察すると、日本円の海外通貨に対する相対的価値が弱まっているということが、留学の負担増の引き金となっています。90年代からデフレに悩まされ続けてきた日本経済を尻目に、国際経済は着実に成長を続け、インフレも経験してきました。日本を除く先進国諸国でも継続的に物価、生活費、教育費などが上昇しました。それに伴い、日本人が海外で生活するための負担は相対的に増加することになります。これが、学生の海外留学を阻む大きな障壁のひとつだと私は思います。一方、ここ数年で大学生の留学者数は大幅に増えています。


  -What is there in the background?



  Sone: A growing number of Japanese companies are now keen to hire so-called “global persons” who have good language skills and a better ability to understand different cultures in a bid to grab at more business chances. I think a study abroad gives an opportunity for students questing for a job to attain the skills. Not only the government for its part, whole Japanese society see cultivation of persons who can be active on the global stage as a pressing challenge. In order to cope with the challenge, some of administrative organizations such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and municipalities have tied up with each other to support college students in the form of financial aid. Aside from it, the public and private cooperative project for college students, “TOBITATE JAPAN program”, was launched in 2014 with funds from Japanese companies.

曽根 さらなるビジネスチャンスを狙い、多くの企業は語学力や異文化理解力に長けた、いわば「グローバル人材」を積極的に採用するようになってきています。就活を控えた学生にとって、留学はそれらを習得できる機会となります。世界を舞台に活躍できる人材の確保は日本社会全体にとっても喫緊の課題です。それに対応するために、文科省等の政府機関や地方自治体が資金援助という形で留学サポートを本格的に始めています。その他、企業が資金を活用して学生を支援する官民共同プロジェクトトビタテ留学JAPAN日本代表プログラムも2014年にスタートを切りました。


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