The reality of studying abroad

Yasuo Sone, CEO of International Cross-cultural Committee



Short cut to fostering global persons



  -Why don’t they invest in middle and high school students and even grown-ups as well?



 Sone: That’s right. Currently almost all financial aid supports for study abroad are targeted at college students. In the case of TOBITATE JAPAN, for instance, high school students can receive aid to some extent. But most of its aid is set aside for students. Needles to say, there are few financial supports for grown-ups. If you are looking for a chance to study abroad with a scholarship, it would be better to apply while you are students. Younger generations need to have as much international experiences as possible so that they can display the presence of Japan on the global stage.

曽根 そうですね。現状の留学支援制度の多くは対象を大学生にしています。たとえば、トビタテ留学の場合、一部の資金は高校生支援に向かうものの、グローバル人材育成を目的としているためそのほとんどは大学生支援です。社会人に対する国レベルの支援はほとんどありません。ですので、奨学金で留学したいみなさんは大学生のうちに応募しましょう(笑)。私費、公費にかかわらず世界で日本のプレゼンスを発揮し続けるために、若い世代はできるだけ多く国際経験を詰んでほしいですね。


  -So, studying abroad is all-important.



  Sone: Studying abroad grows you a great deal as well as helping you better your language skills and ability to understand different cultures. Apart from that, not only individuals but the society itself needs to change.

 曽根 留学は語学力の向上、異文化理解といった側面にかぎらず人間的にも大きく成長できるので、効率的なグローバル人材育成の方法だと思います。ただし、各個人だけではなく社会の変化も同時に必要です。


  -What do you mean by that?



  Sone: Tokyo, for example, is a wonderful city because it is safe and convenient, well equipped with a good hygienic environment. But as compared to other big cities in foreign countries, I have an impression that it is less ready to accept diversity. I think we can say we are completely globalized society only when we have created an environment where not only Japanese can work hard abroad but also both foreigners and Japanese can work in harmony.

  曽根 例えば東京は安全で便利で衛生環境が整っている素晴らしい町ですが、他の大都市と比べると、多様性を受け入れる態勢がいまひとつ整っていない印象があります。海外で日本人に活躍してもらうだけでなく、日本で海外の人と日本の人が協力して有意義な活動を行える環境を整備することができて初めて、グローバル化といえるのではないでしょうか。

  -We quite agree with you. Lastly, can you give some advice to newcomers and students who are interested in studying abroad?



  Sone: There is a limit to what you can do during your four years in school. I think how many challenges and setbacks you experience during that period will hold the key to your future life. Besides studying abroad, never fail to have a chance to step out of your familiar environment, or a comfort zone, and reconsider your everyday activity and conception from a different point of view. Don’t stick to stereotypes and try to do anything you do with curiosity and suspicion. You will see the world in a different way when you know how big and magnificent the world is but how tiny you are there. I hope you will have a fruitful campus life.


  曽根 学生生活4年間でできることは限られています。その中でどれだけ多くの挑戦と挫折を経験するかが、今後の人生を歩む上でのカギになってくると思います。また留学に限らず、自分が慣れ親しんでいる環境、つまりコンフォートゾーンから一歩抜け出し、日々の行動や考えを違う視点から見つめなおす機会を必ず持ってください。既成概念にとらわれず、常に何ごとにも好奇心・疑問を持ち行動することを心がけてください。


  -Thank you very much.


(Interviewed by Hideki Kato, Takahiro Kusunoki)


Mr. Sone’s profile

Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1966, Mr. Sone graduated from Kobe Gakuin University. He went to New Zealand in 1988 and engaged in launching a language school which was few there at that time. Since he made it the largest local private school within a couple of years, he was well known for “Pioneer of high-school studying abroad program in New Zealand”. He has served CEO of Temp Research Institute Co. and Interna­tional Cross-cultural Com­mittee (ICC) since 1995 and sent more than 1,500 students abroad so far.


曽根靖雄(そね やすお)氏 略歴 


