Chuo football club’s unique rules on cheering 一味違う中大サッカー部の応援


Chuo University’s football club members cheer their team in a way quite different from those in other universities. A Hakumon Herald reporter joined them in the club team’s match against the University of Tsukuba on May 11 to see how different it is. It was one of the 10th section games in the Kanto university league tournament.

中央大学サッカー部の応援の仕方が他の大学サッカー部のそれとは違うと聞き、5月 11日に中大グランドで行われた関東リーグ第10節対筑波大学との試合を観戦した。


The biggest difference comes from the club’s iron rule that obliges all members to take to the stadium to pep their players. “Take part as much as possible” or “Show up when the regular team plays.” These are normally required of club members in most other universities. But Chuo’s rule applies to all matches from ones played by the regular team to ones played by the substitute team. Even when the game is played at remote locations, they go there by bus from the club’s dormitory in Minamidaira not far from the school. Chuo’s another rule, though unwritten, requires the seniors (fourth graders) to lead the cheering. So, some of them turn out for the cheering even after their retirement as a player.



Despite the unique rules, the members’ cheering style is just ordinary. They pep up the players with megaphones and small drums before the kickoff. During the singing of the school song, they stop beating drums to keep the stands quieter. After that, players line up and wave to the rooters before starting to play. The stands get boisterous each time a shot is fired, a goal is made, or a goal is saved. The club members have no cheering songs of their own. They usually sing the songs of some J.League clubs by changing part of their lyrics. During the May 11 match, they sang the songs of F.C. Tokyo and Kawasaki Frontale, both of which have some Chuo graduates among their players.



  The most attractive point about Chuo’s cheering is that it is full of vigor and gaiety at every game. Why don’t you join them and dance a victory dance together?


(Written by: Natsumi Nakano)


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